Saturday, 29 May 2010

Their Breeding...

First there was one.....
now there is another....

gary from mid lothian finished his pugsley around a month ago and has been fine tuning his spec and i think it looks very purposefull...

note the mudgaurds fat freaks!...

we rode out across aberlady nature reserve to the WW2 sub wrecks...

we then rode east...along gullane beach towards north berwick

and at north berwick some ice cream!...

we rode back towards gullane...

the tide already on the turn when at the WW2 subs was coming in fast today...

we stopped for a look at the caves at archiefield,there around 20feet above the coast...gary pointed out that at one time these would be near sea level and possibly occupied...

heading back inland from freshwaterhaven and alot of wild flowers including

we rode the sandy trail behind muirfield golf course then up above gullane carpark avoiding the busy beaches narrowed by the high tide...

oh, look at the difference in chains...see how clean my chain is with using squirt lube

then from gullane cliffs it was down around the reserve...

where we parked up for a bike pic...same place i took a pic with tommy`s bike back in febuary!...

a great ride along the coast...more biking tomorrow as im taking some friends around the local trails and woods of the estates where i grew up...


  1. That's cool you've got another to ride with. Man, I am so wanting a Pugsley it's ridiculous!

  2. yeah...!!!...and theres another on the way...
    build one and they will come...!!!

  3. hey, i know those ice creams... ;)

    breeding Pugsleys... then maybe soon there will be a Pugsley in my size :) !!!

  4. life is good; 16" pugs are in stock in UK mini cookie!
    tommy; hoe slim zijn die modder gaurds Tommy!, is er voor 21 "proeven motor mudgaurds ...
