Friday, 26 November 2010

1st heavy snow in UK in November in 17 years...

All week the weather has been bitter cold and snow showers have swept down the east coast of the UK. here in East Lothian we have missed it mostly except the eastern edge of our local Lammermuir Hills about 8 miles inland...

The bitter N-NW wind and the last 2 days a perma frost around here...but snow is forcasted for tonight and Saturday/Sunday...
there was 14" in Northumberland (NE England) 50 miles down the coast so if need be i will be heading down there over the weekend to do some Snowbiking...
Are we in for another `proper winter` then? experts are predicting so it seems...
Here's one who is hoping...the Pugsley is prepped and ready...


  1. Crazy mad biker nut!!!!

    {That's a compliment by the way!}


  2. SNOW!?!? You lucky B...d LOL

  3. I wouldn't mind another proper winter. The long term forecast does promise unusually cold weather for the rest of the year.

  4. Update; i posted this at 6pm...10pm and 2 inches already!, gonna have fun tomorrow!

  5. Here's wishing you a "proper" winter!

  6. Oy! Buster! Quit the bloomin snow dance.......

    Thanks a pant-load sunshine....
