Thursday 28 June 2012

Honoured after 67 years...

Finally after a wait for 67 years a national memorial  was unvieled today by the Queen dedicated to the 55,573 young men of Bomber Command who never returned during WW2...

After the unveiling of the monument the Battle of Britain Memorial flight Avro Lancaster Bomber flew over and dropped  poppies to remember the fallen...

The famous `Dam busters` raid is something most people relate to when you mention RAF Bomber Command, that and the contoversal bombing raid of the German city of Dresden and other fire storm bombing raids that killed many German civillians. These events have since over shadowed the fact that over 7000 raids were flown between 1939  and 1945 by young men of Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries which were vital to disrupting the Nazi war effort...
Almost half of these young men of RAF Bomber Command lost their lives - a ratio of 1 in 10 of Allied forces mens lives, and still have never been publicly commemorated until today...

Arthur Travis Harris (Bomber Harris) has by many been branded a butcher for tatics used, although many Bomber Command veterans talk of respect for the man who drew up the raids which took the war to the enemy...
I do not think we today can imagine the nerves of steel of these young men, and what they did so we can live our lives here today...

RAF Bomber Command Tribute film on Youtube... massive respect


  1. An acknowledgement to their bravery that is long overdue....


  2. Nice one. Been working doing an overnight and not able to get online to opost anything about this.

    But you know what it means to me anyway.
