Time to look back at this year and some of my favourite stuff i got up to.
Been a rebuild year for me, finding my way in a new job that is ace and working with lovely people,
`Fairy Management`... who would have thought it! :D
Cycling to work and cycling in work time when it allows, ace!
In cycling i finally got my bike collection where i wanted it and nearing the end of 2017 the collection is back to full squadron again with the addition of a couple of ongoing builds.
10 years later...
My original fatbike - The Surly Pugsley was ` 10 Years old last Halloween, `
10 years has seen a lot of changes in fat bikes and took me until this year to keep up but got my Surly Wednesday all finished.
2017; a pic and film per month;
So a highlight of each month and link to the blog post, one pic from the day, and film to sum up the place i went to...
15 blog posts
A ` Windswept Dune ride ` with friends Sanny and Donald,
Tyninghame beach with its ace dunes at Peffersands...
Film; Song is `Running Wild` by Drenge
3rd Jan beachride; Tyninghame from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
7 posts,
This ace ` Sandstorm Cycle ` at Peffersands, i really like days like this on the east coast, wrapped up and despite the cold wind an amazing winters day...
An easy to make film mostly with the mono pod but lots of different views with a nice sound track `Je Suis le Vent` by `Working For A Nuclear Free City, a great band i discovered this year...
Sandstorm Cycle; Peffersands from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
14 posts,
Choosing this one `No time to ride?, all you need is a half hour ` which shows it is all you need to get out, and get a quick fix, stay off the wet sand and you don`t even need to wash the bike!,
I do a lot of rides like this now i have a van, usually on dry sand, no mud or salt water to need cleaning straight away, gets you out and makes you feel good after driving home with the heater and tunes on and a few pics and/or film to edit in the evening...
Song is `Open The Light` by Boards of Canada
Open the Light - Boards of Canada; Beachride at Broadsands March 17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
11 posts,
Offroad commuting is a joy and pleasure i can do and if i get up early enough i can enjoy the John Muir Way from near my home all the way into work, around a relaxed hour if stopping for pics and it`s a great way to arrive at work and relax returning home, nearly all the JMW is `all weather` man made or sand trails so i don`d get too filthy or does the bike arriving at work,
I now have around 7 detour commute off road options weather dependent and the time of year for access...
A micro heat wave for April seen me do this route several times into work on the Surly KramPug 29+(Surly Pugsley with 29" x 3" wheels)...
Song is `Music is math` by Boards of Canada...
Surly KramPug; Midweek detour commute April 17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
13 posts,
A lot of fun stuff in May, but has to be ` FORTH FAT 2017 ` of course!
A magic weekend sharing the love of fat bikes and the amazing coast line of East Lothian, mixed with laughs, booze and loads of different people and Fatbikes from all over the UK and The Netherlands, all united by the draw of these bikes...
Here is 3 days of FORTH FAT 2017 crammed into 3 minutes with music by Kasabian, song is `Club Foot`...
FORTH FAT 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
8 posts,
` Capital trail 2017 ` a roasting weekend with friends of the 2 day 150 mile route through stunning Borders scenery and 6000 meters of climbing thrown in.
Kalzie Hill Drove Road descent to Peebles...
For myself a challenge that every year i ride it i discover more about my self and have to push the envelope to finish and this year we rode 92 miles off road on the first day... for average riders this is a tough challenge and the feeling of achievement after finishing is a great reward for the physical effort,
It started to make me realise just how fit i was starting to get and wondered what i can achieve if i stopped goofing around and with a careful diet could do in an event, and i would find out at the next event i entered...
Film with song `New Seeds` by Boards of Canada
Capital Trail 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
14 posts,
Back on the coast and time for some serious ` Rock crawling at Seacliff `, now i have been told i make this look far too easy lol, i do love this type of riding and it proves how amazing fat bikes are for where they can go, and despite the slow speed and no descents how challenging this type of riding can be, as all types of cycling can be, trails, BMX, road climbing, all have there place, though not many to this and ride in such places as the exposed sea bed at low tide. With a 6 meter tidal difference we get miles of rocks exposed between Seacliff and Tyninghame and the Car Rocks is an ideal playground for a Fatbike,
Would i be the first person to properly cycle across here feet up? possibly, deft the first fatbike and back in the early days posting pics and later films of here drew a lot of interest from all around the world, not too hard to when you add in stunning coastal vistas, ship wrecks and the stories of the `The Wreckers` as written by famous author Robert Lewis Stevenson and it is a great place to explore at low tide, on foot or Fatbike.
Adding a suspension fork to my Surly Wednesday has made it even better for riding out there, this is a superb bike for rock crawling, the 177mm rear hub means the chain stay`s are not to wide to hit your heals on while riding out the sale and leaning the bike manoeuvring through the rocks...
Here is a film to a tune unknown name and artist but on the `Lock Stock` soundtrack...
Surly Wednesday Fatbike; Rock Crawling, Seacliff, July 17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
19 posts,
Good friend Dave visited from Skye and also Jeff up on holiday with family so got an ace ` Weekend Cycling with friends ` with local friends Craig and Jason on the Saturday and we did a lot of miles and smiles, booze and laughter... i have some truly great friends!...
I made a load of films that weekend, here is one
Song is `` by Thievery Corporation...
Saturday Cycle; Aug 17 Pt 4 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
10 posts,
I have ridden mountain bikes since September 1987, and had never entered a race, ever...this year i entered 3!, the second was Single speed UK championships ` SSUK 2017 ` at Staveley in The Lake District, i single speeded my old original Surly Pugsley and stuffed the car with camping kit and drove down to what would be a breath of fresh air and a fantastic weekend meeting (and drinking) and racing a real tough but brilliant course, the weekend was brilliantly organised and the countryside very scenically different to back home, yes it was dry! a rarity i believe down there! with clear skies...
Fantastic weekend and one of the best of the year...
friends old and new...
Now i entered this just for a social weekend away with the plan to meet up with friends Tony and Mike, and after a walk to the bikes and a massive long climb that involved standing up the whole way with only one gear i do remember passing a lot of people to try get my legs spinning better, when told at the beer stop (mid race!) we were in the top 20 i got my skates on and went for it along with a lad i mostly rode 2nd lap with, for my sins i rolled in 1st Fatbike and 14th position!, add the fact i prob had the oldest heaviest fatbike there i felt real chuffed inside, so err yeah i guess i am currently ranked 1st SS Fatbike in the UK! lol!!!
Here is some film of an ace race!
Song is`Perladine Friday` by Chris T...
SSUK 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
10 posts,
In keeping with the original theme of my blog an update on one of the bikes i ride, why i ride it and what i like about it, time for a `Surly Wednesday Update; 18 month review
Modern Fatbike trail geometry with suspension fork and dropper post fitted and 3 wheel sets, 4" regular Fat, 27.5+, 29+ and still old school steel frame which i like...
The blog will tell you all i know and like about the Wednesday - you worked out yet it`s Pugsleys sister? (Addams family) :)
Song is `It Came To Me` by The Barr Brothers...
Surly Wednesday 29+ local trails Oct 17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
16 posts,
Bought a wee van and loving it, throw the bike and gear in and go, gather firewood, or as i did have a road trip!, and it was down to Druidge Bay for the inaugural ` Sandblasted Beach race `and it was a superb weekend with friends...
The race itself was great, a long blast down the beach tailwind assisted then a brutal short headwind back to cut inland and ride nice trails,
Although a race i still managed to take pics and film and we blethered most of the time, as is the Fatbike way on the coast! lol...
I rode with Jason and we finished 3rd and 4th in the Fatbike class and 16th/17th so Jason would have been on the podium if there was one, anyhow it was fun and a great weekend away with friends
Song is `Queens Of The Breakers` by The Barr Brothers...
Sandblasted beach race 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
11 posts,
A frozen solo cycle on my local hills, and a celebration of mid winter nearing and what better than stunning winter light in sub zero conditions....
Days like this are great, mud free as everything frozen the bike did not need a wash etc...
And here is the last film from this day,
Song is a favourite, `Cello Man` by Nick Drake...
Winter sun cycle; Garleton Hills; Dec 17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
So been a cool year...
Here is a wee film of pics from the coast, keeping in line with the original theme of starting this blog...
Song is `In The Waiting Line` by Zero7...
East Lothian coast (slideshow) 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
A lot of new music and new people i have met have influenced my life this year and gave me inspiration and new ideas, i want to thank all of you and wish you all the best for 2018!,
Next year is going to be an amazing year - and my blog will be 10 years old in March, and i got some fun ideas for what you will see on here as the months roll on, and hope you come along for the ride,
Happy New Year folks!
Saturday, 30 December 2017
Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Boxing Day beachride; Seacliff
Boxing Day, and the annual Beach bash this year i left home before sunrise and after rain all day and night of Xmas day i took the roads to Seacliff, and would be the first on the beach and rode a track free beach before the hoards of Boxing day visitors arrived - early bird catches the worm, and a clean empty beach!...
Seacliff is an amazing little place steeped in history, from the remains of Seacliff Castle and St baldreds Monastery to Seacliff house, then down to the Geggon rock and the amazing tiny harbour steam cut out of the rock and is today reputed to be the smallest commercial harbour in the world....
Then perched on the cliff tops is Tantallon Castle dominating the skyline...
The waves break over the rocks below on the incoming tides and comes in at an amazing rate...
It was light but the sun would be an hour or so before breaking over the raised ground and beam golden light on the coastline...
And the east coast light is quite amazing...
Pics and film done i left the coast as 3 cars arrived and dogs ran barking across the beach and screaming kids... i had my `me time ` on the coast and relaxed decided to split and leave it for others to enjoy in their own way,
Riding home on flooded country roads it was good for washing off the salt water wet sand on the bike...
Home and stove on roaring and time to watch `The Great Escape` -it would not be Christmas without a classic movie...
Film on the coast this morning,
Song is `Holographic Universe` by Thievery Corporation...
Boxing Day beachride 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
More soon...
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Xmas Eve Beachride...
Xmas Eve and 3 days R&R, and while the shops are probably heaving (busy in Scotland) i would rather head to the coast and get some space with few people and hence was born my annual `Bah Humbug beachride` i don`t hate Xmas, just the whole mad shopping thing of people, anyway this year was blowing a hooly and sand was drifting across the beach at broadsands as i rode alongside it in the strong tailwind...
From the low tide exposed sands i took to the ace sandy single track along to West beach...
Back to the van in NB and job done, home for an afternoon in withe stove on and some ciders...
Quick wee film from today
Song is `One day At a Time(The Golden Banjo) ` by Phontaine
Xmas Eve beachride 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
Seasons Greetings!
More soon...
Saturday, 23 December 2017
Winter Solstice Beach ride...
The Winter solstice, shortest days daylight of the year, Sunrise 08.41am, sunset 15.37pm
my solstice cycle was in fact the following morning as on a split shift at work allowing a ride in daylight, the official time of the solstice was 4.30pm on Thursday 21st, i was still inside 24 hours of that time so this ride still counted!...
Onto the bike and down to ride through the grass dunes at Archerfield and onto the coast...
Miles of tracks here, the day dawned misty and murky, but as by magic along the coast was brighter with some nice light..
Low tide and Eyebroughty island accessible , though that would mean wet sand and need to wash the bike afterwards, i was just out for a quick 2 hour fix, some pics and some film to record the day...
Dropping off the dunes and onto the sand to ride around to Marine Villa...
The rocks here when wet catch the light with their square edges and have bright lichen...
Photo stop at Marine Villa before riding back to the van at work and again although only a mile inland return of murky weather... love the magic light of the coast!...
Here is a quick wee film,
Song is `KC Doppler` by Thievery Corperation
Winter Solstice beach ride 2017 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
More soon...
Monday, 11 December 2017
Frozen Zone -Minus Zero ride around the local hills...
Sunday and another ace winters day!
Days like this i remember why 10 years ago i turned my back on mainstream mountain biking and what the magazines were pushing what you should be riding-mostly man made trails in conifer forests and why i gave up driving a 2 hour round trip a couple of times a week to what was then `the place` to ride mountain bikes through forest trails that while fun never really changed through the seasons as did the Deciduous scenery...
Then the Pugsley thing happened and opened up what is local to ride and enjoy on my door step, first on the coast with 4" and later 5" wide wheels sets, then later with 3" plus wheel sets on trails away from the coast, and i never looked back...
My bikes are built for cycling here in `The Shire` (Haddingtonshire is the old name of East Lothian) as i refer to it often :)
And today was perfect conditions for this 24 mile loop from home that only has 2 1/4 mile road sections riding out and back home,
It is a micro 3 Peaks loop taking in the hills of `Barney Hill`, `Sled Hill` then ` Byre Hill` on the Garleton Hills, the 3 linked by the historic old Ridgeroad - once the main road to Edinburgh and travelled by English Redcoats on route to the Battle of Prestonpans amongst other recorded times in history, and other old `green roads` marked on older pre 1960`s maps as thoroughfares, and livestock created grassy single track,
Ace when you can ride locally inland off road in winter when frozen solid and for today the Surly Wednesday with Bluto suspension fork and dropper post was ideal for this loop with it`s great handing on descents and single track...
Leaving home it was through Gilmerton woods then up to Athelstaneford
With the temperature never going above freezing i was wrapped up warm and toasty with Shimano MT91 boots and mid thickness Bridgedale socks,
Keels Scuffer cycling trousers,
long sleeve Merino Alpkit top and Howies Merino T shirt with Alpkit wind breaker,
Ron Hill running skull cap and thin thermal gloves used as liner gloves under regular 1 size larger XXL regular riding gloves kept me comfortable all day...
Then the climb up the old Ridge road on the Garleton Hills, stopping at `The Vaults`, an old Fortified House that once would have offered shelter to travellers on this old road and food and water for horses...
Onwards and the climb up to Barney Hill, stunning winter light in the high pressure weather with low winter sun and frosted ground...
From here i descended on some livestock created single track through the grass and down a real steep descent,
Here is some film of that descent...
Garleton Hills Cycle; Film 2 Dec17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
From here is a short hike-a-bike up to cross the road and ride up past the old disused quarry and climb up around the crags and a bit more pushing to the Trig point on Sled Hill to enjoys great views north to the coast and west to the next hill with Hopetoun Monument...

The descent from here soon turns to another hike-a-bike after a fence crossing and soon i was up on
Byre Hill and at the foot of the Monument...
Superb views again from here, i rode the south descent and filmed it, a nice descent,
Added some music; `Communication Breakdown` by Led Zeppelin...
Garleton Hills Cycle; Film 3 Dec 17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
From the car park and out onto the road and an old green road descends to Byres Farm where a right turn will take you east to Camptoun Holdings...
East again on an old track and down through Kilduff Wood where a track descends to bring you back to the cross roads of trails north of Athelstaneford village...
Time for the classic `bike on sign pic` before a short peddle home, home by 2pm and some daylight time left to do other stuff, with the below ) Celsius temps there was no mud on the bike, ideal when it lives in the living room!
Here is a round up film of the loop
Song is a favourite of mine; `Cello man` by Nick Drake...
Winter sun cycle; Garleton Hills; Dec 17 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
More soon...
garleton hills,
local scenery,
local trails,
Surly Wednesday,
winter sun
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