The week of extreme high/low tides common at this time of year along with the start of early winter big swells washing in seaweed and other things continues, and Saturday past saw me down at John Muir Park early doors and despite an incoming cloud bank coming from the west which later would bring heavy rain there was still nice light on the coast, reflecting on the water and wet sand...
After last nights high tide there were no footprints on the fresh beach as i cycled out past Sandy Hirst Point and out to the river Tyne Estuary...
With little wind the Tyne water was flat calm , reflecting the clouds....
Around the point and so much sand once again moved around...
Back down the eastern side of Sandy Hirst Point...
The walking down to the waters edge another of the same view, look how the picture is transformed with the added light and reflection of the water...
With a bad cough it was a short ride this morning but the reward was the solo space and amazing light,
John Muir Park Tyne Estuary Cycle; Sept 2019 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
More soon...