Wednesday 10 July 2024

Genesis Scottish Open Golf 2024 Renaissance. Club


It's time again for the Scottish Open at work, busy busy last few weeks prepping coarse ready for the week long event and this year the coarse is looking amazing, hats off to an amazing team of Greenkeepers and what they have achieved in the last 12 months with changes made and new bunkers constructed, in a Country of dying Industries and trades today I can happily say Greenkeeping in Scotland - The home of golf is a strong as ever,

I will add more pics to this post as the week goes on but here are some pics from early morning starts and evening out on coarse with approx 30 odd volunteer Greenkeepers from other clubs who get paid accommodation and food for the week to help out a 20 Greenkeeping team here. Even I work 14 days straight!, as it is the time of year we all take our job very seriously and although the coarse is imacculate we always say it can still be better and we never rest on our laurels  

Up at 3am and leave 3:30am for work to arrive 4am and get ready for 4:30 prep as Group, then out on coarse for Sunrise 4:45am

Here is a film from Monday,

I enjoy the week and split shifts while tiring I enjoy as only for a week and something different, esp enjoyable if the weather plays game and I can use the Enfield 350!

So that film was from Monday, previous day I got the chance to fly the Drone around over the coarse and as most of the contractors had now left and prior to players practicing Mon and Tues it was perfect chance with weather calm, here is a 5 minute edited film to Boards Of Canada track Dayvan Cowboy

And longer full unedited 20 mins of drone footage

Film from the Man cave after it all over

More soon...

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