a text from friend Andy inquiring about if going out anywhere Sunday saw me meeting Andrew and Moray Sunday morning in Gifford to lead a ride through local trails around Gifford and up onto the Lammermuirs...
riding up through Yester Woods and a steepening climb up past the old Quarry caught our breath...
through some new gates and fences led past a nice loch...
Priest Law up ahead...
the view down across to the lime kilns at Kidlaw...
onto the track and into the granny ring to begin the long winch up...
was happy to stop for a picture to get a breather...
reaching a small saddle below the summit the view ahead was through to Soutra wind farm...
now a bike hike-a-bike up to the summit cairn...
and great views today...across to the Pentlands and Edinburgh...
and across the plain of East Lothian...
now to follow a faint line up and round to Lammer Law...the heather is now in flower and the noise of the bee`s was all you could here up here...
i may be wrong but theres a good chance this is a shell hole from WW2, Polish tank regiments trained up here and across to Meikles Says Law...
eventually we reached the summit cairn and trig point of Lammer Law...
there was a massive wasp nest up on top of the cairn...pity as i wanted to stand up there and take pics...
great views of the county again...
with lots of wasps buzzing about we split and headed down to the main track over Lammer law, this is a very old Right of Way,also a border and parish boundry, also an ace descent by bicycle!...
i pinch flatted as the track levelled out ,after a quick tube swap it was down to the tarmac and a quick pic at the ROW sign with the on-one 456 as i have one here of nearly every mtb over the last 10 years...
stopping at Longyester to see a friend i took some pics of the old sign down the road that alot of people miss...
read what it says, `impassable for motors`, also Lammerlaw is given a distance aswell as Carfraemill on the A68,distances are given to within 8ths of a mile...
we then headed a short road ride down into Yester Woods to visit the Goblin Ha Castle...its stone vaulted minature hall is pretty cool...
accessed from a small tunnel passage...
inside in the vaulted hall...
a passage descends to the dungons and well...now sealed off it gives a clostaphobic feel as you descend bent over in the small tunnel...
cant see alot of the castle outside with the leaf cover on the trees, heres a film i made here early last year...spooky place on your own!...
up a short hill and down a nice trail and back through the estate to gifford...
look at the size of the beech tree...
down at Gifford and some trails around the village,along the river then around station woods and fawn woods and along an old unsealed road to see some cool stuff...
slate artwork...
you know the `disgrace of Edinburgh` on Carlton Hill in Edinburgh?, well maybe this is the Gifford one...
and finaly a hanging picture frame to view the countryside...
the three MXTR`s
time to call it a day after 6 hours, didnt find any magic buff single track around Priest Law but nice to have now riden the trail ive looked at on the map,that climb would certinaly be fun descending...
some stats from Andrews garmin...

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