Monday 20 December 2010

Winter Wonderland...Round 2...

So we got a good dumping of snow 6-8am on Sunday morning.
Around 4-6" of lovely dry powdery stuff which fell on frozen ground...
The country once again in the grip of a wee blast from the Artic...

Perfect for winter cycling...
I arranged to take friends out biking around my local Binning woods on Sunday as there local riding areas having been deeper with snow than here and then bad with ice from the thaw afterwards.
The woods here were to be ideal as little ice and no mud so everyone looked forward to a bikeride...then it snowed and apart from a risk of driving everyone still turned up and really keen to get out!.
All wrapped up we headed along the short road section to the woods...yes there is tarmac under that snow and this was midday...

Nice to meet some new faces too...

A group pic- theres always one though ain't there!...

A bit cold for doing that as temperatures stayed below 0C!.
Will return to this ride later as friend Mike (moony boy) had his camera and took some good pics which I'm awaiting sent to me and will post up,along with a wee bit film. Everyone enjoyed getting out and enjoyed the snow trails which were ok as not too deep for a regular bike...

The temperature has been so cold the snow has dried out alot more overnight and i was up early to work on the pugsley and snow ploughing then gritting then home early so went home via Binning Woods again, scenery was stunning with no wind to have blown the snow off of the trees...

Into Binning woods and yesterdays bike tracks were just visible under the snow that fell in the afternoon as we rode back to my house,we did 2 laps and today being drier snow it was alot easier to ride so i planned to do a few laps around the wood and hardpack a snowtrail as no more snow is forcasted for the week and temperature`s are to remain low. Been some forestry work on going here lately...
Move over...real monster truck coming through...-:)

Heres what the trail looked like on my 1st lap round...

the snow scenery is fantastic with the trees caked and sunlight filtering through the leafless trees...

Another 2 laps and the trail was packing down nice...

This shelter has been standing a few years now...

Mates will love riding this on there regular bikes now...hope to do a Night ride this week with those who can make it...

4 laps and job done, a hardpack snow trail about a foot wide, not sure how long it is,2-3 miles i think...

Heading home i wished every winter could have commute days like this...

Cant complain 2 years in a row now...

Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning there is a Lunar Eclipse at around 6.30am - 7.30am,
There is to be a glow in the sky caused from this so better take the camera...


  1. Wow, from the beach to a snow ride! How cool is that!!!
    We officially have no open water in my neck of the woods!! Although with all the snow we've got, the ice conditions are less then I'd like, but that will soon change, winter starts tomorrow??!! Lol
    Have a great holidays Bruce!!


  2. Hello! What a great way to enjoy the snow! You must be bloomin' fit cycling through it though!

  3. wow - beautiful pics!
    A bit nicer than London...
