Sunday 27 July 2014

East Fortune Airshow 2014; Planes, bikes, a few ciders...

A great weekend, Big skies overhead of storm clouds that seen some heavy showers.
Saturday was Airshow day here at East Fortune
A few pics from a ridge at Markle looking over the airshow...

The Red Arrows display lasted over 15 minutes, my pics are a bit crap and everything looks a bit small , however the planes were often only 2 or 300 feet over our heads, as always an amazing display...

A minute of film..

Hawker Sea Fury;
Tiny to see on the film to watch but the sky thundered to the Sea Fury as it roared around, awesome plane...

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight;
Once again the skies of East Lothian rumbled to the sound of 6 Rolls-Royce Merlin V12 engines...
The Avro Lancaster escorted by a Supermarine Spitfire and Hawker Hurricane... sweet sweet Merlin music from these iconic aircraft which won the Battle of Britain in the summer of 1940. And took the fight to the Axis forces.
These aircraft still flying are of course a tribute to the young men who served in them, and to the many who never returned home, 544 RAF pilots were killed in the Batlle of Britain, and many more were horrifically burned and maimed...
1333 British civilians were killed by August 1940 by bombing raids over the UK.

The Avro Lancaster was the biggest of RAF Bomber Command. It took the fight all the way deep inside Nazi Germany. The average age of a crewman was just 22.  55,000 men were killed on Bombing Missions. We owe a lot to those young men who flew these aircraft...
Massive respect

The Sound of Victory...

I headed down and back towards home as a big black cloud headed our way. cut through the race circuit as the display continued...

The noise was unreal as the Typhoon displayed, it was right overhead where i was standing!...

Amazing aircraft!

Time to head home and have a few ciders with the neighbours...

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