after 2 weekends of no offroading with my sore hip it was time to head for the beach!
it was great getting out down the beach again on the pugsley,and what a morning,glorious clear autumn calm weather,
a real lift after over a week of mostly cloudy gloomy days which were probably made worse with the change in the clocks going back an hour making it dark real early,no wind makes the 6 mile road ride out to the nature reserve at aberlady alot less of a a drag without the usual headwind...
but it also means no tailwind along the 7 miles of beach to north berwick,however with the calm sea at half tide around 10am it was fantastic cycling along beside gently breaking waves-i could do that all day,it has a sort of hypnotic affect and very relaxing...
i wasnt planning on making a film to post on youtube,just to ride,chill and relax and enjoy the ride but film making is addictive! so after doing a bit helmet cam across the reserve and along the beach i set up a few shots over the rocks before gullane beach and made a film...
heres film riding along the beach further east called freshwater haven...

fellow blogger craigers (traildog tracks) said he was looking forward to seeing the trails where i live through my eyes with the tachyon cameras i won,so when out now im trying to do some 1-2 min films unedited like here at freshwaterhaven...
and the next sandy trail above longskelly rocks...

this shows how soft sand the pugsley can cycle along if in the right gear and spinning to prevent breaking traction..,
there must have been some stormy currents out at sea as there lots of shells been washed up in some of the small bays...
and nearer north berwick quite alot of seaweed...
there is also a few really big bits of driftwood washed up like this,check the size of it!!,must be from a pier,would run my open fire all winter!...
ive seen all sorts of things washed up on east lothians beaches,the coastline is a tidal collective point for alot of edinburghs rubbish with half a dozen rivers emptying into the firth of forth,from lots of shoes-never a pair,footballs and tennis balls,oranges,apples,road cones,chairs,light bulbs (unbroken),a tv once,gas cylinders,wheelie bins,tyres,lots of plastic bottles which will never rot away,
today washed up was the ubiquitous lobster creel...
a mtb front wheel...
and first time ive seen this half a wheelbarrow!
both tyres still inflated which explains how they got here,i wonder how much rubbish is deliberately thrown away and if the persons doing so realise the consequence of what they do can have on wildlife and the enviroment,
heading home i switched on the helmet camera and fimed a short section of the john muir way

the path through the woods quite hard to see under the leaves which were damp and slippy so i took it easy as im not wanting another fall this now on my hip!,
if satuardys weather was heaven then today ,sunday was hell,as forcast gales and sideways rain,apart from family commitments i never plan on anything (which drives some friends nuts) as you do have to get out when the weathers right and make the most of it...
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