Thursday, 29 March 2012

Banes Ness, life on the rocks

Another Scorcher of a day and a mid morning 1 meter low tide was ideal to go for a play on the expanse of exposed rocks around  Barnes Ness and east at Skateraw.
Time to use the Surly Moonlander again for its advantages. The bigger contact patch of the 4.7" `Big Fat larry` tyres and 4" wide rims provide extra grip of this bike on wet slime covered rocks which is quite amazing. All this area i have ridden on the Pugsley and it managed fine. It is just not as absorbent on the techy rocks and has slightly less grip on that treacherous green slime on the rocks far out near the low tide line. The Moonie is more comfortable to ride on bouncy terrain. again that  drag felt on tarmac disappears once it is in its right environment.
I need to do another post on how the bike is going, and what has been swapped out/not worked etc and my findings with some parts for beach riding.

I need to ride down here more often as like Gosford Bay it is near deserted once away from the car parks...

East Lothian slick rock!...

Some film, been a while since i used a tri pod, doing so allows leaving the sound on with out lots of contact noise, adds a bit to the atmosphere.
Click on 720p to view in HD

Song is `Wellingtons` by Phontaine...


  1. Bruce, your next purchase should be a FujiX10 camera, tghose beaches deserve it ;-)

    nice shots as usual, hows May looking for you re a visit ?, maybe a couple of days midweek ?, a Thursday/Friday ?

  2. Will look into that camera Steve, sure we could show you around some more in May -:)
    Let me know what dates and we will have a plan sorted!

  3. That looked like an awesome ride,(rocks) a little different than the sand I usually see you on. How far is this ride from your house? I know it's way too far from my house. Thanks for sharing your interesting rides.

  4. This 2 miles of coast is only 9/10 miles from home, We only have approx 45 miles of coast in our small county to the east of Edinburgh, but it is very varied in riding for fat bikes -:)
