`mondo enduro` made by a group of english friends who rode a 40,000 mile round the world trip (unsponserd) on suzuki DR350 trailbikes back in the early to mid ninetys and there 2nd trip `terra circa` a 20,000 mile route from london to new york...

mondo enduro RTW was done and filmed just before everyone owned a mobile phone and GPS,laptop with dingo etc..,hi 8 camcorder had just been released which allowed media quality filming though they used super 8 alot too to record there 40,000 mile journey,
so this was before a couple of hollywood stars spent an incredible amount of money on hiring crew and equipment to do a RTW trip yet still wine and wimper when things got a little tough for them!, the offspin of there televised trip would dawn a new trend of weekend motorcylist with the roads awash with big BMWs and there riders adorned in bmw gear and arai dual sport helmets,nice bikes but wouldnt own one myself now because of this stigma,
anyway so these guys DID ride across khazastan and siberia making it nearly the whole way across the gap to the east coast of russia on there little 350cc bikes until they totally ran out of roads and had no choice but put the bikes on the siberian express,in fact both films are to me most interesting when there in eastern europe as the people often had nothing (remember this was just after the soviet collapse) yet there kindness and happyness shines in the film,the bit where a wheel bearing collapses in the middle of siberia is priceless as is the ever changing haircuts!,they also capture on film the beauty of eastern european woman too...
theres a website where you can read about the trip and purchase the films,
even if you dont own a motorcycle but like travelling you will marvel at the guys mental attitudes,moral and comradeship within them all during the trip,,heres a youtube trailer for mondo enduro...
and heres a trailer for terra circa...
and i found a load of films of a mondo enduro slideshow and talk which is pretty funny,this is the first one...
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