its always good to find something good on your doorstep or rediscover somewhere you had forgotten about as in the case of a lovely glen about 6 miles from home,i knew it was there as walked up it as a kid and i knew it had an old track and quarry in it and an old burn which was stone lined,of course i didnt pay attention to these things then but now i wondered what the glen been used for-obviously something industrial..
i am going to keep the location under wraps because of what i found down there-though i would like to see its inhabitants out feeding at night..
via another bit of the old road to edinburgh i filmed recently which was seriously overgrowen i headed for the farm to get access to the glen...
rather than be shredded with brambles and stung with nettles i opted for riding alongside the old road on a stubble field-much easier going...
back onto tarmac and still on the route of the edinburgh route there is the ruins of an old roadside inn,it would have probably had stables as well for resting and feeding horses..
riding down from the track to the top of the glen i realised id forgotten how lovely it is here,ivy has covered everywhere and ferns grow out above a tumbling burn including the lovely man made plungepool (top pic)
as last time when i was here around 15 years ago or more lots of trees lie across the track making cycling not an option for about half the descent(about a half mile),so there was plenty of lifting the pugsley over trees and dragging under them...
the quarry is there off to one side via a short track over an old bridge with low sides (for pack horses) and beside the burn some ruins of buildings,and further down a suprise which you will see on the film i took,i stuck the camera on my helmet and filmed going down-mostly on foot,theres no music so i have added some subtitles as the microphone isnt that good on the camera with it being inside for waterproofing,it took 20 minutes but ive edited it down to a 3 minute short film...

i was on the pugsley as i was on route for the beach, to celebrate a birthday...
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