Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Saltmarsh cycle to Sandy Hirst Point...
Tuesday, 29 September 2020
1 Hour `Fat fix` before Sunset...
Often as has been the case recently I find something out here revealed in the shifting sands...
Can you see it?...
Rising out the moving sands after 75+ years a WW2 20mm Suzi Hispano Cartridge Shell from the 1940`s when theBay was closed off from the public and was an Ariel live fire range...
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Midweek cycle; Beachcombing cycle at JMP...
Another wee cycle from home after work, low tide around John Muir Park and as often once out across the Salt Marsh the place to yourself, Social Isolation out here alone or with G is as isolated as you get so close to a Town,
Today I was in for more WW2 trinkets from when the Bay was a live fire training range for aircraft and troops uncovered in the sands from recent sands being moved around with Autumn swells starting to roll in and shifting sand...
More soon...
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Beachcombing cycle at JMP...
Low tide cycle out in JMP...