Monday 14 September 2020

A Saturday cycle with friends; Pt 3 of 6...


We soon cycled around the Salt marsh from Mosshouse point and out around Sandy Hirst Point...

Campers, I have real real mixed feelings about the invasion of folk camping here at Tyninghame this Autumn  as hardly any have provisions for the Toilet - ie a Shovel to bury their deposits and the mess being left in woods is disgusting,

That and their cars left overnight in the car park which states no overnight parking but they know local authorites have no budget to control this happening and those doing this can via their mobile phones go online and have parking payed for there the next day, and so there is nowhere for local annual car park permit holders to park to visit here, this includes myself who just wants to drive down here for an hour cycle and enjoy the coast, it's a farce compared to how the Coastal car parks were managed when I was young...

The Covid Pandemic has made me realise something, it should have brought out the best in people looking after folk and instead it has brought out the selfishness in people, from Supermarket stockpiling of essential food before those still working had the chance to shop, to the total disregard for the Countryside by people who use it with no regard for those around them and what they do and leave behind...

A friend has stopped dog walking here after his dog had rolled in human poo... imagine that! 

Roll on the cold winter days and they will be gone I say...

Wee film riding out around the point, Song is `Awake` by Tycho,

More soon...

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