heres a link
the small square of houses where i stay have a bit of a get together-basically weather permitting sit out front having a few beers,music on watching the aircraft right above,they fly over us instead of the crowd just incase something goes wrong!
there was no euro fighter this year which was a pity as it is awesome but the finally was the vulcan bomber,these were brought out of service after the falklands war in the mid eighty's,there is one at the museum but only one now flying,it was restored using mainly public donations and i watched the series of its restoration on discovery channel,i remember seeing them flying over east lothian when i was young,to see and hear it again after watching the programme was quite moving,i caught it on film
the noise was unreal!!!
big ebay sale starting tonight over 3 hours spent writing up about 38 items!,
basically im getting rid of everything i dont need and use which will give me money to buy stuff i do need(want) which will be usefull,i like reworking my hobbie money doing that-its kind of like recycling! ie a classic raleigh bike which is worth £150 and not likely to go up much more is replaced with a hessony hammock which will be great for lightwieght bikepacking
i also bought my motorbike back on friday night,only 300 miles more on it than when i sold it to a friend last november,i bought it new in 2005 and sold it to fund building the pugsley,its a belgrada yamaha ttr 6oo,basicly a yamaha italy electric start trailbike with lower spec suspension than the kickstart only enduro bike,the engine is a XT600e from the early 90s,old school air cooled and bulletproof,there a bit underpowered in stock trim and heavy but the engines a real smoothy,the XT trailes are legonary for there reliability and often the bike of choice for overlanders,esp sahara bound explorers,media would tell you otherwise after recent TV programmes with 2 film celebrity's riding big BMWs!!
heres my bike in standard form as sold but it ain't staying like that for long...
basically im setting it up for 50/50 on/offroad riding like being able to ride up north 3-400 miles then still being capable of doing easy-ish trails and green lanes while carrying camping gear,it also takes pillions and being single that may be of use soon too! let me know if you want to here about my motorbike on here as i know most folk who read this are cyclists!,maybe i should do another blog for it??
first combine was spotted last thursday though its been rained off with fridays downpour and again today,really early this year
haven't been out on the pugsley for a week so need to get down the beech this week,hopefully tuesday evening,tomorrow night will be spent packing the 38 ebay items,lot of work but prefer to do a big amount sale once in a while,heres a funny pic i took using the tripod which shows the footprint of the surly endomorph tyre!