Thursday 28 November 2013

Barnes Ness midday cycle

Drove down to Whitesands and Barnes Ness today to ride the old Pugsley again. 2 hour before high tide meant most of the fatbike playground here was disappearing beneath the waves. Still, i always enjoy visiting this quieter part of our coast line...

The coastline here has amazing rocks exposed at low tide. East Lothian`s `slick rock` if you have a fatbike, I made a film here back in March 2012 on the big Surly Moonlander. Shows whats all here to ride once the tide goes out. Was a very memorable day...

Song is `Wellingtons` by Phontaine

Back to today and heading back to the car...

Not a long cycle but good fun, and a lovely bit of coast with the light on the water and noise of the waves rolling in...

Even found a huge bit of sea coal washed in!, that will be on the fire this evening!...