Saturday 26 February 2022

Winter Sun Cycle at John Muir Country Park...


A lovely blue sky day on the east coast and we made the most of it with a fun cycle around John Muir Country Park first along the beaches around the point and Hedderwick Bay before a loop of the woods...

Here is a good advert for Lanoguard anti rust/corrosion treatment, spoke nipples painted in Lanoguard are remaining corrosive free!...

Around the point and in the glow of the winter sun with all the sand movement here with wind and tide it was looking like a lunar landscape...

I found an old bottle top which had made its way here from across the Estuary in Kircaldy...

Next was an old horse shoe, G says a rear as they are smaller...

I left the horseshoe as pretty rough and we have a few nice ones already in the garden, and catching up with G she had just remarked it looked like too much sand for finding  any Hispano`s  and boom! right under her feet she spied one!, and it was a beauty!

Most of these we find are stamped 1942 but some like this are stamped 1941 but not seen one with a K prefix before...

Nice wee find along with the old bottle top....

We left the beach for a loop of the woods and some more filming before heading for home...

Apocalypse Now...

That old Hispano was a good find for G today and it easily polished up a treat with some Barmans best friend...

Today I set the Go pro HERO 10 to Activity setting in usual 1080 240 fps but changed the screen to Linear which is a flatter screen with a flatter horizon, it is more of a Letterbox view so not as good for close up riding along side on bikes but good for Landscape views, its a good view and will probably use it again...

Guess by the title you know what music is on this!, 3 tracks from BOC`s `Music Has The Right To Children` - `Bocuma`, `Olson`, and `Open The Light`,

More soon...

Go Pro HERO 10 Update; Screen Protectors fitted and first impressions...


First impressions of the Go Pro HERO 10 camera is it is superb to all my Previous Go Pro Cameras;

Original HERO 1 (Died RIP)
HERO 4 Session  (still have - most used camera loose charging connector now)
HERO 5 Session.  (bought used but needs charged before using as battery only holds charge 24 hours)
HERO 7 White.     (returned after 4 weeks as battery life useless)
HERO 8 Black     (used last 3 years, amazing image stabilisation, only let down by fault where sometimes it won't start up and battery needs removed and inserted to fire up)

I have a Go Pro case that has everything I now use;

HERO 5, 8 and new 10, Headband mount, chest mount, 2 magnet mounts, mains plug and 2 charging leads (all cameras use this same oval lead - the older 4 used a different lead, Only a decent mono pod to find and add for everything in one place…

Glass screen protector kit was bought online and soon fitted to front and back lens, the replaceable camera lens I did not do as it has a coating on it for in water...

All done, 

The kit also comes with 2 rubber lens covers which is not a bad thing for leaving on the camera when it is mounted on a bike handlebar and not in use - but don't forget to remove it before filming!

The smaller case that the HERO 10 came with is ideal for keeping all the other  HERO camera stuff I have  like mounts and older cameras...

Each film throughout March I will try a different setting to see what looks best - while maintaining a decent battery life.... 

This film on Youtube I came across is a good tutorial film for showing the many features of this amazing little camera...

More soon...