Saturday 29 June 2024

Solo beach patrol at John Muir Country Park


Mid June, and it does not feel like June with the variable temps and showers most days...


Good to get back to basics and the simple pleasure of a bike ride locally and a few pics on the phone and no video editing...

it's a Monday and G is away in her van for a few days as a week off and bagging some more Munro's while I'm at work mid week, so I got out a wee solo cycle on the Pugsley around John Muir Park, 
it was mid tide so could not get out too far across the mud flats after I crossed the salt marsh under a chorus of Skylarks stopping at the remains of the Matilda tank wreck, parked out here for live fire practice after WW2 there is not much left of the wreckage.  Supposedly there were 3 tanks used but were cut up for scrap once destroyed.  Who knows if some of the wreckage is buried in the sand dunes behind last Spike Island grew in size in the last 80 years, maybe stuff will appear again after storms etc...

Wrecked pillboxes and anti glider pole bases are scattered around the bay and if you look around you should find a souvenir from the live fire practice that went here from WW2 until the 1950s...

A .303 was todays find...

The point is roped off for birds nesting for summer so it was down a softer than normal beach and back through the park as the tide came in filling the bay...

No film today, just a back to basics easy bimble cycle and chill out Monday, Scottish Open Golf championships is in 3 weeks time so one more weekend pff before things get real busy for a couple of weeks....

More soon...

Saturday 22 June 2024

Hope to get back to blogging more again soon...

The last two years has seen this regularly updated blog pretty much halted as I got sucked into the world of being a YouTuber with a monetised channel after I bought my Royal Enfield Classic 350 and a fiIm i made after 4 months ownership whet viral and I started to get payed to post films!, sound great doesn't it? get paid to do your hobbies and pasttimes....

Well a year later and despite loads more subscribers  - 5000+ now and a few new subs joining daily I am making exactly the same amount despite doing a hell of a more filming, editing and replying to comments left - which I do not mind doing so and is the least you can do when folk take the time to leave a nice comment,  but it seems having an overload of films after the NC250 motorbike trip gave me the realisation that it does not really pay for the time your actually putting in, when I am still earning the same amount as last year,

And I am cutting back the amount of time spent filming and posting etc and want to actually get back to posting simple blog posts and have a record of pictures to look back on,

The blog hardly gets comments left and a hell of a lot of spam crap and I know the Google Police will prob scald me as they own YouTube but I think the only people actually making any decent money is folk who use Patron and sites like that, and YouTube is now just full of Adverts you cannot skip, too much adverts!, 30 second long adds now...

I have also proved a few things regarding view numbers on films I unknowingly to you used exactly the same title and wording as similar films which one has had 4 million views!, I changed the title to my own title after 36 hours but just wanted to see if it got mega views and it did not - that was the WW2 Gerry can film by the way that has stalled at 800 odd views...

Maybe I am just being jealous or bitter about other channels getting massive views?, I am not a jealous or bitter person if you know me... more just a bit disappointed...

Anyways here is a ManCave update where I mention all this ...

I promise to try get a weekly blog post back up again folks,  

Cheers Bruce

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Vanlife; 3 days in Northumberland...

 We headed down the coast over the border to Northumberland for a couple of nights in the van and stopped over at Morpeth where a new campsite has been created on some of the former RAF Morpeth Airbase, we had a fun time cycling the fatbikes on some fantastic beaches in some fantastic weather!

The pictures are not in order and not sure why they do not load in order off the computer, but I am not spending ages individually uploading each pic!

What I will do is put he films at the end under the photo dump...

Film one unpacked we cycled down past RAF Boulmar stopping at the gateguard Phantom before heading onto the beach for a look about..

Next day we rode along Drudge Bay... fantastic coast and great beach riding!

And finaly a drone film while G got her paddle board out...

A fun couple of days away and good to get cycling again on the coast!

More soon...