Friday 24 May 2024

An NC250 route to NW Scotland

The plan was simple, meet in Edinburgh on the City Bypass, take the A9 north to Dalwhinnie,
ride west down to Spean Bridge
Join the NC500 route and ride to Durness, where we would cut inland south to Inverness, then ride the Lecht and Cairnwell Pass, to rejoin the A9 around Perth,

Hence the name NC250, but the whole rout would be 800 miles once home,
4 bikes waterproofs and 3 season gear packed for May, as you can get all weather in May!

The films of the trip tell the story of the 5 days, 3 nights , but here are some pictures, mostly in order...

Film 2

Day 2

Film 3

Film 4

Film 5

Film 6

Film 7

Film 8

Film 9

Film 10

Here is some more pics John took...

 A great trip with friends!, hopefully we all get out a run away again soon!