theres a nip in the air in the mornings now,nights are drawing in (dark at 9-9.30pm) giving a autumn feel,but lets hope september gives its best with long shadowy late afternoons,its my favourite month in east lothian for cycling here as vegitation is dying back and those fields of round straw bales look great-lots of pics coming!
east lothian is a fairly flat rich agricultural plain,hemmed into its coastline of the firth of forth estuary and north sea by the lammermuir hills,theres a ridge that cuts west to east-the garlton hills and the river tynes flows between the two hill ranges,the other 2 distinct landmarks are the two laws,
i wanted to show the county in harvest gold so where better than from the 2 prominent hills in the county which you will have seen in the background of alot of my pictures,north berwick law and traprain law,i have already made a slideshow film in spring of the garlton hills and its historic ridgeroad...
so i made a film around them,heres some info on NB law
it was a perfect evening to walk up and film...
on monday night as it was such a calm evening with few people about,
on tuesday morning i filmed these american F15s at work dogfighting,the noise was unreal aswell as the speed and height of course they look faraway on camera.
tuesday evening was sunny too but a weather front was coming in with a wet forcast,
it was blowing a gale but dry so managed to get some combine footage!
before going up the humpbacked traprain law...
i also managed to catch the resident perigrines on film,proberly explains why birdlife is a bit low key around the law,there the fastest bird of prey and you always know if ones about because every bird is up flying in panic,2 great evenings spent soaking up the views
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