Sunday, 24 June 2012

Lost in the sands of time...

The sands of our coastline are often moved during severe storms and can reveal amazing finds...

Buried  for 65 years since it disappeared in a crash in 1942 at a remote Welsh beach, a WW2 fighter plane emerged Phoenix like after a big storm in 2007. 
A Lockheed P38 Lightning...

Since its appearance in 2007 it is known as `the Maid of Harlech`.
The United States Army Air Force (USAAF) fighter was crashed landed on a training exercise when its engines cut out. The young pilot, Lt Robert Elliot walked away unhurt, but sadly would be posted missing in action three months later during America`s Tunisia campaign.

P38 Lightning, Spitfire behind...

The Aircraft sunk back into the sand shortly after the picture was taken in 2007 and has since  not been seen. Nature has its way to prevent looters!.  Its location recorded and kept secret by The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGAR) who are hoping to secure funding to raise and treat the plane to preserve it and show it at the Imperial War Museum...

The P38 Lightning was given the name of  `The Fork Tailed Devil` by the Germans due to its devestaing fire power. Here is a film of the aircraft...