Tuesday 12 August 2014

Ace weekend at home!; Friends, Fatbikes, Local trails on Saturday, Crazy coastriding on Sunday, and some Cider inbetween...

Friday, end of the week at work. Not a lot of mowing this now, but unneeded hassle with machines etc...
But who cares as it`s the weekend and not my problem. Time to have a good time and enjoy life and unwind...
Home and i prepped my Fatbikes for the weekends riding with friends.
9pm and friend Mike rolled in , stopping over for the weekend he brought his Surly Moonlander and a very bling Fatbike, a recently purchased near new Salsa Carbon Beargrease...

At 25 Lbs this thing is real light!-10 lbs lighter than my Pugsley, but horses for courses remember...

Anyways Mike brought some ciders and we had our `Five a day`... lol

Saturday; XC loop,

Sanny turned up on Saturday morning on his MK 1 alloy Salsa Beargrease and we were soon out riding on a loop of some of my local trails around where i grew up. first fence to cross Mike shows how light this carbon machine is!...

We rode up the Garleton ridge Road, descended to Haddington then down to Longniddry on the old Railway line walk...

3 Nice bikes built for purpose;

This is Carbon Fiber;
Light as, fast as, but need to be careful not to damage on rocks etc...

This is Alloy;
It is light too, and fast, and more resistant than carbon and an ideal all rounder...;

This is Steel;
Heavier, and stronger, so last longer, and probably be best to survive the Zombie Apocalypse...

You decide what you need to be best for you, they are all good in their own way...
They are all fun to ride and all rode fine together today...

Down to Longniddry and Dean Woods, and along the coast on the sweet sandy single track towards Fernie Ness and into Gosford Estate.
The signs at the entrances say `No Cycles`...  ignore them, they were put up before the Scottish Open Access Law was passed in 2003 and the signs are not worth the wood they are written on...

Lunch at Gosford Bothy, then through Aberlady Village and then then the Post mans trail past Bickertons tomb, and along to Luffness Mains farm and into the former RAF Drem...

Sanny headed back to my house to his car and Mike and i headed to Gullane for ice cream at Cools,
Then it was a blast down the Baked Bean trail  to Freshwater Haven beach and along to Yellowcraig...

Ace skyline along the coast!...

From Yellowcraig it was the `One Speed Trail` up to Dirleton Village and an underpass tunnel near the historic castle and on through fields of harvest scenery under a big sky ...

Home and time for Pasta, some Ciders and a roaring Chiminea as the sun set...

I shot a load of film on the Go Pro Camera-helmet mounted,,,

Songs `Fire`,  `Underdog`, and `Silver Bullet`,  by Kasabian,

Sunday; Below the cliffs of Tantallon;

Only ridden around here a hand full of times, it is the hardest technical riding on our coast, and real greasy so a bit risky as the last place to fall and get an injury when you can easily be cut off by the incoming tide below the cliffs. Mike also brought his Moonlander for this route and we were up early Sunday  morning to catch the low tide.The sky was clouding over and it was going to rain today for certain, most of the rest of the UK had been a wash out on Saturday evening. Jackets packed and tyre pressures checked we waited for the roar of a V8 to arrive!.
Stuarty was up for some tech riding so arrived in his Land Rover 101 with his Pugsley in the back,  and a load of fire wood for me as i was lending him a Pugsley rear wheel for the Day!.
Down the John Muir Way and along above the coast to Canty Bay to drop down to the cove...

Going to be more hike-a-bike than i expected as the now incoming predicted low tide was not as low as i thought it would be...

Canty Bay...

Onto the rocks to Gin Head...

Below Gin Head it was real greasy...

Mike loved it!...

Cast pipe once came from Gin Head Research station perched above on the cliff...

More hike-a-bike as the tide crept in quickly...

Leaving us no option but drop into the sea and wade knee deep to the next cove...

Seaweed chain lube :)


Wonder what this was?

Wood lined inside...


One more hike-a-bike and around to Seacliff, much to the surprise to a day visitor out walking!...

Around to Tyninghame now as the tide came in real quick now...

Last hike-a-bike of the day as we neared Scoughall...

Need some forks? :)

Tyninghame cafe for soup and a roll, then home through the woods as the heavens opened...

A beast!

Film publishing issues;
My Serif Movie editor won`t publish any films, dunno what i have done , any files i try to publish it just says `Attempted to access an unnamed file past it`s end `
Pity as i got great footage along the rocks today. Hopefully i can sort it and get publishing HD films again!

Anyways a great weekend with friends on Fatbikes, roll on next Saturday for more of the same....

Life is good :)