Friday 27 November 2015

5 years ago this week...

5 years ago this week it snowed, the most snowfall in 17 years in November all across the UK...
It kept snowing...BBC TV broadcast that an Artic blast was about to hit the UK...
The local council ran out of grit to keep roads clear of the snow and rural roads were ploughed and left...
Brilliant if you owned one of a handful of Fatbikes here in the UK...
After months of mocking on MTB internet forums the shoe (4" tyre) was now on the other foot... :D

surly pugsley...snowride from coastkid71 on Vimeo.

winter east lothian,2009/2010 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.

Nov 10 Snowride, Garlton Hills Ridge Road from coastkid71 on Vimeo.

Snow day to work... from coastkid71 on Vimeo.

Snow Biking Local trails... from coastkid71 on Vimeo.

Sleet/snow forecast tonight,  be nice to get an artic freeze again!...

More soon...


  1. wow...great vids Bruce.
    We don't get much snow here in the midlands,
    the pugs is still great fun in our boggy winter woods though...

  2. Hi Wolly, East Lothian usually misses the snow too being on the east coast but those winters of 2010 and 2011 were surreal!
