Friday 20 July 2018

Drought continues, a drive to the hills...

Friday and some light rain , the first rain for several weeks, the previous evening i went a drive with M up to the Whiteadder Reservoir in the Lammermuir hills,

The water level is low but not as low as i thought it would be, the Whiteadder Reservoir holds over 1.7 Million US Gallons and a dept of approx 64 feet,
There is a ruin of Kingside School and the farm of Milknowe which was submerged when the Whiteadder water was dammed and the area flooded creating the Reservoir which filled in 1968...

You can see the school and farm marked on this OS map from the early 1960`s...

Kingside School in the 1960`s prior to flooding...
(Pic - John Gray Centre)

Today the road to the school can be traced, a faint track  leads to the water edge...

Here the remains of tarmac

Somewhere behind M is the school, water needs to get to lower levels before it is revealed...

Heading home and an amazing sky over East Lothian...

Hardly any water in the burns...

More soon...

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