After the lovely light of Friday late afternoon, The rain battered off the window on Friday night,
Definitely a Stove, Cider, Netflix evening!
Saturday dawned pretty grim with cold onshore rain showers, and it felt raw out in the exposed wind, But it`s the weekend and got to make the most of the available daylight so up early i was down at an empty Tyninghame car park, which would mean an empty beach, ideal for filming,
Wrapped up and Paclite waterproofs as much for the cold wind as the rain i soon warmed up...
The wind builds up the dunes, then the high Autumn tides take them away...
A Guillemot on the sand, seemed too tired to fly, Hope it can move before any dogs see it later...

Wee film on the beach, Song is `Snakes In The Grass` by Quantic
Peffersands beachride; Nov 2019 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.
Riding back to the van and typically the rain eased up! and i had a look around the dunes where there is some Sea Buckthorn removal going on...
Not sure what this has been. Military metal stakes but could be anything, maybe been a Bird watching hide?, or a sheep shelter, ...
Back at the van and worth getting down early and the beach to yourself, busy already and only 9.30am...
Back home and an hour splitting logs, Friend Chris dropped trailer load of rounds off last night,
So made a start on them before going to spend the affy with M...
He also gave me this RC Helicopter!, will hang it up...
More soon...
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