Tuesday 29 September 2020

1 Hour `Fat fix` before Sunset...

Midweek Cycle, The recent Autumn Solstice signals cooler evenings and the nights grow dark earlier...
When the weather is good the evenings daylight after work is if short,  is good and worth getting out...

Out around John Muir Park is 5 minutes cycle now from home and wether with G or on my own when she is working it's great getting out here quickly from home for a quick fix on the Fatbike..

Riding after work you can unwind and forget the day at work and enjoy what you work for...
For some that's home to a family and kids...
For others the local Pub and their friends and pastimes like Football or Darts etc..
Each to there own and for me it's cycling and right now riding my Fatbikes for an hour hit the spot...

Often as has been the case recently I find something out here revealed in the shifting sands...

Can you see it?...

Rising out the moving sands after 75+ years a WW2 20mm Suzi Hispano Cartridge Shell from the 1940`s when theBay was closed off from the public and was an Ariel live fire range...

A real minted example, the dent on the end seems to be a characteristic of the Hispano guns firing mechanism fitted on the RAF Bristol Beau fighters, and other Coastal Command aircraft that used to train young aircrew here...

Time to head home as the light faded for the day...

Wee film from this evenings wee cycle, Song is `Collapse` by Boards of Canada,

More soon...

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