Friday 11 October 2013

Autumn has arrived!...

First some good news!
The good news is thanks to the  input of local users, East Lothian Council/Sustrans have pulled out from the mentioned resurfacing of the old Byway at Whitekirk  called `Becky`s Strip` mentioned in the Previous post
Well done to everyone who took the time to turn up at the meetings or sign the facebook petition. You can read about it here in The East Lothian Courier

Temperatures dropped rapidly on Monday evening and with 6 - 8 Celsius  Autumn has definitely arrived!
Autumn is not just about leaves changing colour and trees bearing fruit and bright berries, it is noticable on the coast too with a change in weather patterns.

A big swell pushed in out of the North sea this week. High pressure weather and strong Northerly onshore winds, the first storm of the Autumn.
6pm high tide and 6.30pm sunset makes for a fun time to ride. We have miles of sandy singletrack above the coast so never stuck for somewhere to ride fatbikes whatever the tides.

I love this weather when we get a mixture of high tides and high pressure with lovely sunsets and big foamy surf. Maybe not much good for surfing, but always am awesome sight and great for a visit to the coast after work before sunset.

Two nights i was down at Archiefield to North Berwick, and it was an amazing light on the sea before sunset, and as so often it is at this time of year, deserted of people...

That magic time of amazing light on the coast just before sunset...

I have been doing these coastal rides before sunset around the Equinox seasons since i started blogging and has often some of my favourite rides on the coast, daylight, sunset, night all in 2 to 3 hours...

A magical time of year when we see a noticeable change in the weather...

Cold but fantastic time of year...

Here is some film shot mostly on the Go Pro camera, with some at the begining and end with the Canon compact.
Song is `Scotlands Disgrace` by Scottish band  Mogwai
click on the cog icon to view in HD


  1. Great photos and thanks for listing the names of the bands. Love discovering new (to me) artists.

  2. Hi SPL glad you enjoyed the pics film and some Scottih music,

  3. stunning pictures, some of the best ive ever seen on your blog.
