Monday 16 May 2016

After a cancelled long weekend, a Monday afternoon tootle...

 Last week i had a real dry cough, i initially put it down to the air con in the sealed cab (for spraying) tractor at work and the dust from the last two weeks spring drought while mowing at work, then on Thursday evening as soon as i started running the Allermuir Gallop in the Pentland Hills of Edinburgh i knew i was not well with something and had caught some bug or other...
The evening was organised by my big sisters partner Ian with this years fund raising for my oldest nephew Callum whose local Scout group is going to Cambodia to build classrooms for kids education -link with info here; Crowdfunder/SMSU Cambodia
I managed to finish the 1000ft straight up then down of Allermuir but really struggled and i was passed by a lot of people on the descent-how do they run so fast downhill?, i need to work on that!!!

I was as near last in the 40 Vet class but for my pains i did receive a gift from the post race goodies- a radio controlled Tarantula!, i think i will name him Boris... :)

When i got up on Friday Morning i was floored with a horrid cold and real dry cough...
So scrapped my long weekend off with planned camping and explore of the Borders Abbey Way on the Surly ECR,

Not to waste the weekend i still did some local stuff on Saturday on foot and went to try dig out an old Air raid Shelter but ran into an issue with pipes underneath the suspected entrance so will need to review what to do there...

But i did also do a bit Urbex, and found a few cool things...

After a lazy two days moping about the house feeling crap, i did nothing constructive... apart from editing some Drone footage  (see previous posts),
So i decided to go out this afternoon (Monday) for an easy ride, trying not to flame up the dry irritant cough i even stuck the bottle of cough medicine in the frame bag!, and glad i did go as feel a lot better for it now this evening!... still got the cough!, but the mind is relaxed after some coast therapy in the lovely sunny afternoon.

I took the old Pugsley this afternoon and rode through the woods to the coast at Tyninghame...

Just marvelling how quick the leaves have come out i came round a corner and startled a Roe Deer that took off leaving this wee fellow...

Days old it was so young it was not even scared of me slowly approaching...

After some pics i cleared off to let mum return, watching from a distance i saw her head through the Gorse bushes return in the direction of Bambi, hopefully the wee fellow is ok and gets on his feet soon... 

Down to the coast and St Baldreds Cradle and `Secret Trail`, i then rode as intended today some of the winter series motorcycle Enduro route which has now been levelled through the woods to the old gate near Mosshouse  point...

Out onto the salt marsh and i crossed the low tide exposed mud flats to the remains of the stone wall across the bay, now with hides constructed by wildfowlers...

Across to Sandy Hirst point and high tide dry land above the Tyne Estuary and Hedderwick Sands...

Back to Tyninghame and the woods...

First flowering of `Thrift` i have seen this year...

Never get tired of this fine view here across to Peffersands...

Loads of footprints but only my Fatbike tracks today...

Back home via Binning Woods and dusty tracks getting there, no rain for nearly 3 weeks now here...

Hope to get out tomorrow evening too, maybe go visit somewhere i have not been for a while...

More soon...

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