This Saturday 7th Dec is Global Fatbike Day.
We started the idea here in the UK, and now it has become a global event!
Fatbike owners all around the world will take to ride their local area of trails, beaches and snow trails to celebrate the fun and love of riding fatbikes. Over the 24 hours of the 7th people will post up pics and words on line via facebook, fatbike forums, blogs and websites of their days ride...

Were heading out from our Victorian seaside town North Berwick, from the Celtic cross at 10am,
Riding west on coastal trails to Gullane, ice cream even if it is winter at Cools ices, then possibly go to the submarine wrecks if enough votes, then return on the smooth sands exposed at low tide back to North Berwick for fish and chips and a juice or pint next door at the Ship Inn...
See you there if you can make it, of give us a wave if your out on the coast....
Some of the links;
Our FaceBook page; East Lothian Global Fatbike Day
Charlie Bike Monger; Dorset Global Fatbike Day
USA mtbr Fatbiike Forum; mtbr fat-bikes/global-fat-bike-day-2013
USA FAT-BIKE.COM; FAT-BIKE.COM global-fat-bike-day 7th-2013
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