Sunday 15 April 2018

Dawn cycle at John Muir Park...

Maybe, just maybe the long winter is over and finally were getting warmer weather!,
Felt that way this weekend.  It is still April though and cool evenings, esp if an onshore easterly breeze.
Been a busy weekend, better weather so can get on with stuff in the garden, and saw more firewood, was out harvesting coppice's Sycamore, wet with sap rising it will be stacked loosely drying for two years before burning on the stove.

Sat evening and jobs done and time for a Cider and light the Chiminea in the Garden...

Two wheel forwarder!, the Charge Cooker and FatBOB trailer is ideal set up, a strong rear `Old Man Mountain` rack for the chainsaw it`s ideal for harvesting wood. One trailer load is approx 4 nights firewood, so 4 loads today is a couple of weeks once sawed, split and dried...

fire! :D

I was up early Sunday and down to the coast at John Muir Park and enjoyed a near deserted coastline to cycle,

Across the Saltmarsh to Belhaven Bay and bang on low tide at 07.50am and real low at 1.0 meter...

Bridge to nowhere...

Still loads of wood washed up awaiting uplift - there is a shed right there for someone!...

Less footprint than humans...

Out around Sandy Hirst Point and then across Hedderwick sands...

WW2 `Pigs Tails` , remains of posts for barbed wire...

Who knows what else is is buried in the bay here from WW2...

This tree is still fighting to live despite the land around it disappearing,

Filming done and  a play through the woods before heading home...

And here is a wee film,

Song is `84 Pontiac Dream` by Boards of Canada...

Dawn Beachride; JMP; 14 April 2018 from coastkid71 on Vimeo.

More soon...


  1. There was a good article about John Muir in the Times on Saturday.

  2. A man we have a lot to thank for the wild places he helped save and preserve Dave,

