Monday 6 October 2014

Boards of Canada-"Last Walk around Mirror Lake"...

Title of a Boards of Canada  2003 remix on `From left to Right` is the song that sprang to mind and repeated around my head this evening as i walked around the lake with Francis and Mowgli...

Hang on you said `Lake` and your Scottish?. err yep!
We have 3 lakes i know of in Scotland, the most famous is `Lake of Menteith` in Stirling shire,
And then 2 lakes here in East Lothian- `Pressminnon Lake `, and this other less known one that is,
well you don`t need to know where it is, it`s our local back yard and if you stumble across it then enjoy it for what it is but remember it is on a private estate so respect its owners privacy...

Pics from iphone 4

Song by Boards of Canada, won`t be our last walk around here...

More soon...


  1. 939 posts and that's the first one I can remember seeing that has no bikes in it!
    Seriously though, good to see Francis is out and about despite your cooking.

  2. Hi Ped, Francis has indeed survived my cooking and well on the mend, she is driving again but not allowed to chainsaw yet... :)
