The combines arrived at Archerfield on Wednesday, Spring Barley and Oilseed Rape has mostly been harvested across the county now.
The Rape fields are too spikey to cycle and the Spring Barley fields too isolated to join up to make a good day of it so i will be waiting for the main Wheat harvest to begin before doing some good rides and filming...
Lovely field Border of Sunflowers on the entrance roadside, the road runs east to west so once they open the sunflowers should turn with the sun throughout the day...
Couple of hours and all fields harvested...
I went for a drive around the county after work and up into the Lammermuir Hills...
The county turning gold...
And the heather on the hills Purple...
More soon...
August is now really the dog days of our summer as temperatures drop especially at night and September is the beginning of Autumn.