Friday 13 September 2013

Late Summer, Another busy week...

Geese in stubble fields is always a sign of Autumn on its way. These are native but thousands will return from Greenland to East Lothian soon....

Been a busy week at work and out cycling. Sometimes it is nice to combine both -:) Tueday commute on the Pugsley...

 My own personal 20 ton sand dune -:)

Top dressing  greens this week...

Long shadows at sunrise now...

Been out on all my bikes this week, Moonlander on Saturday, KramPug on Sunday, then the Karate Monkey single speed 29er out on Monday...

Then on  Tuesday riding stubble fields on the Pugsley...

Late summer sunset...

Then on Wednesday i took a half day at work, and along with Pugsleys from Dave at Law Cycles and my purple pug, i did an hour fatbike ride from Archiefield Golf Course and House to Yellowcraig with five Journalists`s from around the world, here via  Visit Scotland,

Mandy is a running friend of  Peter and Mary  who organised it as something unique for our visitors to Scotland to experience. The rest of the group played golf or just went a stroll on the beach with Mandy and here dogs.

All ready to go!

We kept to the flat hard sand exposed by the low tide. everyone loved the bikes and thought they were fantastic fun. The reaction of people when they first ride across soft sand and keep going is always great to watch. Big grins and giggles, and a good happy vibe afterwards.
A lot of photos were taken and i look forward to reading the articles of all the writers experiences to Scotland.
Everyone said we live in a Beautiful part of the world. I have always said that we are real lucky to live here in East Lothian.
Mandy will be forwarding the links to me and i will add them to this post which is under the `Visit Scotland` label...

Fatbikes have given me some really enjoyable and memorable days on the coast and today was one of them. Meeting some really friendly and interesting people, and getting to share my love of our coast with them...

Back to Archiefield House...

Still time for another of the group to have a quick shot!

I had the Go Pro to shoot some film on the beach...

A van load of fat...



Thursday i drove to Pencaitland for a rain swept trail ride with some new and friendly faces.
Rain went off after a while and the wet roots and greasy wet grass kept us all on our toes into the darkness back to the Winton Pub.

A rain pic through plastic...

I was given a Showers Pass I phone cloud cover waterproof soft case to test and review and will write up a review in another couple of weeks after more use...

Friday the 13th today!, yikes!,
Still out cycling this afternoon from Gullane on the Surly KramPug 29+ from Gullane to Aberlady.
Peaceful and Quiet on Aberlady Reserve...

Probably more cycling over the weekend... -:)


  1. Great wee film with the journalists. Haven't spoken to Mandy since then so hadn't heard, but it looks like it went very well. Good work!

  2. Hi Peter, Big grins all round, as fatbikes always seem to create!
